Reply To: Topix 2007-2009, Discussing: Financial Violations and Abuse at The Brooklyn Tabernacle

Home Forums The Forum Topix 2007-2009, Discussing: Financial Violations and Abuse at The Brooklyn Tabernacle Reply To: Topix 2007-2009, Discussing: Financial Violations and Abuse at The Brooklyn Tabernacle


John A
Comments #816-#817

“I used to play guitar with the worship band at BT between 1999 and 2001. I played the 9 am and 12 o’clock services Nothing on this board sounds
strange to me. I knew it was only a matter of time
before their deeds would be exposed. I nearly lost
my faith, because of the horrible abuse of people I saw and experienced myself. But Praise be to Jesus
I am in a solid reformed church. No Ego-maniacal
leadership to contend with. Believe me BT was horrible. SPY VS SPY best describes the atmosphere.
I left there shell shocked from their heartless, cold ways….

BT is a perfect example of man-centered worship gone
out of control.”

Segments of the original Topix Discussion can be found on The Wayback Machine, HERE.