Home › Forums › The Forum › Topix 2007-2009, Discussing: Financial Violations and Abuse at The Brooklyn Tabernacle › Reply To: Topix 2007-2009, Discussing: Financial Violations and Abuse at The Brooklyn Tabernacle
Respond to Berian
Comment #59
“”Pastoral staff,”
I took the time to analyze your points in light of the comments previously made.
1A.”same leadership for 35 yrs.”
Consider the following: Cuba has been under the same leadership for a very long time. Does length of time really mean anything? The question is one of quality not quantity.
1B.”and God has faithfully provided.”
Consider the following: Many ministries make the same claim. We both know some of those ministries are doing tremendous harm to the body. It stands to reason, monetary gain is not necessarily a mark of God’s provision or approval.
1C.”invoices are current within 30 days.”
Consider the following: Do current accounts negate what has been written regarding the financial state of the church? Are you prepared to divulge what kind of debt the church is in? Should the members be kept in the dark?
2.”Financial statements are reviewed.”
Consider the following: This statement appears to be another diversionary ploy. Do the people know how much money the church brings in, where it goes, and how much the pastor’s make? Do you think they should know? If your answer is no, you are in the minority among Christian organizations.
3.”The board consists of six people who provide oversight.”
Consider the following: Who are they and why are you reluctant to release their names? Better yet, who has been on the board and why were they removed? What does oversight mean? Was the current construction project reviewed by the board? The Senior Pastor is not the president of the board, is he?
4.”The Senior Pastor’s door remains open.”
Here, you revealed yourself. Why are the first and last points about you? What if entering that door yielded no results? How many people have tried your preferred method only to come away disappointed and confused. No sir, your door is no longer worth stepping through and the blame for that rests at your feet. Besides, you chose to enter this arena, far removed from the controlled environment you work so hard to maintain.
In summary, your statements failed to correct the “erroneous comments.” What exactly are you prepared to deny about what was written? Please provide a direct answer or remain silent.
Every call to public repentance requires a unique set of steps. I will not bother describing what must be done. I think you know. For the benefit of the church, do the right thing.”
Segments of the original Topix Discussion can be found on The Wayback Machine, HERE.