Reply To: Topix 2007-2009, Discussing: Financial Violations and Abuse at The Brooklyn Tabernacle

Home Forums The Forum Topix 2007-2009, Discussing: Financial Violations and Abuse at The Brooklyn Tabernacle Reply To: Topix 2007-2009, Discussing: Financial Violations and Abuse at The Brooklyn Tabernacle


former member
Comment #239

“Dear Ramon: Your comments were heartfelt and sincere, and you are obviously a godly man of faith. But not everyone can make the same decision that you and your family made; that is, to just leave BT and move on because you couldn’t bear anymore hurt. People have invested their lives as well into this church; not just PJC and Carol, and they have been deeply wounded by many issues that are being written about on this blog; abusive treatment by leadership, mismanagement of church funds, self-entitlement behavior and the like. I’m sure others, like yourself, have prayed for years about the impropriety that has been witnessed, but to seemingly no avail. Others have gone directly to the Senior Pastor, and have been shown the door on the way out, and nothing has changed. In fact, it sounds as though things are getting worse. While we must fast, pray and seek God’s face about EVERYTHING, there is a time when God’s people have to stand together against ANYONE in leadership who is responsible for the wrongdoing…namely, Pastor Jim Cymbala. And I think that’s what this blog is about…the cry of the heart of those in pain who, in your own words, “can no longer bear to see or experience. There is only so much pain our souls can bear”. So, brother, please continue to pray for Pastor, the church and those who are brave enough to act and demand change, in love, for the glory of God. Thank you.”

Segments of the original Topix Discussion can be found on The Wayback Machine, HERE.