Carol’s Choir ?

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    • #2862

      I have so many questions from this page:

      Carol Cymbala didn’t start the first choir at the Brooklyn Tabernacle? According to Carol’s nephew Tim Maurer, Carol’s sister Vicki along with her husband Ed ran BT before the Cymbalas took it over and she had a choir. Vicki was a musician and actually travelled with her dad, Clair Hutchins playing piano and ministering in music. Anyone ever heard that???

    • #2872

      Wow! That article has alot of information about the history and background of this church. I have to say I am skeptical of any of these mega churches. So, are we saying that Mrs Cymbala did not start the choir that they say she did? That’s disingenuous! Not surprised though again because of all of these narcissistic leaders.

      • #2916
        Truth Seeker

        There were some pictures floating around of the choir in long robes in the 1960s back when Ed and Vicki Maurer were running the church, which was before Jim and Carol came on board in 1971.

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