Exposure of Abuse and Fraud: Ravi Zacharias

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    • #2705

      “Jim is truly one of my dearest friends now, and we have been together a few times. Anytime I have called for any reason, he’s there right on the spot to help. Love you, Jim, so grateful to you for your friendship and all that you do.” (Ravi Zacharias, speaking of his friendship with Jim Cymbala, November 2011)

      “We’ve done many important parts of the world together. I think the last time we were together was in Moscow a couple of years ago, and prior to that, in Hong Kong in China, so it’s just marvelous to have this collegiality. When you’re on the road, life can get lonely, it can get, what, a desolate feeling when you spend half your time alone in your room, but to have the friendship and fellowship….” (Ravi Zacharias, speaking of his friendship with Jim Cymbala, February 2017)

      Jim was one of the speakers at Ravi’s funeral in May 2020. https://www.foxnews.com/us/ravi-zacharias-online-memorial-pence-tebow-christian

      More information on Ravi’s reported credentials fraud, alleged abuse:

      Denominational Alliances

      The Latest: Christianity Today, Religion News Service, The New York Times, Associated Press, The Dispatch, and countless others which can be retrieved with a Google search. Ruth Mulhotra, public relations manager and spokesperson for RZIM, wrote a must-read 26-page letter which was linked in David French’s The Dispatch article. Much to be learned here.

    • #2824

      First Ravi, now Cymbala. My goodness. They were good friends and Ravi also talked about how much they traveled together. This is bad. Someone on staff told me Pastor Cymbala rarely ever traveled with another person and he made trips all the time to Argintina.

    • #2902

      Woah ~ They flocked together all over the world. Precious Memories!


    • #2968

      The Brooklyn Tabernacle pastors published a brief #RaviZacharias statement, concluding with 1 Cor 10:12 (“Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.”) and Hebrews 3:13. Both are sin leveling, as is explained in a recent Religion News article, especially the “Flawed View of Sanctification” and “The Dangers of False Humility” sections.

      Ministry leaders’ rush to empathize with Ravi Zacharias is beyond alarming

      Statement by TBT pastors: https://www.brooklyntabernacle.org/ravi-zacharias-statement/

    • #2970

      I hate to say it, but they were good friends for a reason. They flocked together for sure! Why no comments from the pulpit when you were slow close to someone after hearing of all the horrible things this man did. Risking your congregants safety by having them be near this predator.

      Maybe because they produced similar fruit?


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