What happened to Leslie?

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    • #4151



      Both of the these posts mention the death of my friend, Leslie Ortiz Cymbala. I still miss her so so very much.

      The email that was sent to the entire church (sent by the Cymbala family!) and some other things never sat well with me and to this day I have questions. I’m hoping that by posting this we can all collectively grieve and seek for truth about that night.

    • #4160

      @Christian, I grieve with you and everyone who loved Leslie.

      For those who may not know, Leslie was the daughter-in-law of Jim and Carol. Their son, James Cymbala, was her husband at the time.

      An email signed by the Cymbalas was sent to the entire church and contained their opinion regarding Leslie’s mental state, which they claim resulted in her committing suicide. Many people who knew Leslie very well question this “official” story.

      The Cymbalas’ narrative about what happened that night shifted daily. Stories that were incompatible with one another.

      Many of my friends said that behind the scenes the Cymbala family maligned her.

      For those reasons, I have my own questions and doubts if the any of the shifting narratives are true or were told to protect their son.

    • #4188

      It’s time someone brought up this up.

    • #4189
      Truth Be Told

      It’s time someone brought up this up.

      yes @themessenger

      People saw James when he came back to NY right after.

      Scratches all over his face and arms. Allowed to fly out of state the NEXT DAY. Shifting narratives.

      Nothing. Suspicious. Here.

    • #4201

      The next day he was allowed to fly out the state?!? No way!!!
      I can tell you 100% that is NOT law enforcement protocol in these types of scenarios. 48-72 hours or more. Never ever the next day.

      I remembering seeing Leslie around when she was still at BT. She had a little girl too. 😢 I hope she is ok.

    • #4229

      What happened to Leslie Cymbala??

      I know they moved to Texas and I heard the family was really angry with that decision.

    • #4230


      “Scratches all over his face and arms.”

      I hate to ask.

      If there wasn’t any foul play then why would James have scratches all over him??

    • #4256
      Not Right

      All I will say for now is that something isn’t right with the story. I know my friend and she wanted to protect herself and very much loved her daughter. I think they are covering up something.


    • #4260

      How did Leslie supposedly commit suicide? I find it strange that all social media has been wiped clean on her.

    • #4269
      Truth Be Told

      FYI – this is the email that the church sent on 4/9/18:


      Dear Members/Friends,

      It is with deep regret that my wife and I convey to you some tragic news. Our daughter-in-law Leslie (married to our son James) had been struggling with depression. That depression overcame her to the point that she took her own life this past weekend. We deeply loved Leslie and this news has brought both shock and enduring pain.

      Please pray that God’s comfort will be extended to the families of both Leslie and James. Please also respect the privacy of those grieving at this difficult moment.

      Pastor Jim Cymbala

    • #4270

      Yes, thats it TruthBeTold.

      quoting my previous post…….

      The Cymbalas’ narrative about what happened that night shifted daily. Stories that were incompatible with one another.

      Many of my friends said that behind the scenes the Cymbala family maligned her.

      For those reasons, I have my own questions and doubts if the any of the shifting narratives are true or were told to protect their son.

      from what I heard Leslie was trying to get away from James and the Cymbalas. She wasn’t “overcome by depression”

    • #4272


    • #4276

      I just don’t understand how this was not investigated. All the details sound questionable. Whatever happened to her family? Her daughter? Could PJC have power in Texas to cover up an investigation and wipe clear all social media information pertaining to Leslie? You cannot hide from God PJC.

    • #4277

      When James eventually returned to BT he was assigned a handler whose main purpose was to barricade people from asking James any questions. Some guy Lou or Leon… I can’t remember. You would see him walking everywhere with James.

      A friend who works on staff there said he had his wedding ring off from the day he returned and started trying to date a friend of his within a month of coming back! I have no problem with a man trying to get over a wife who would have committed suicide and I wouldn’t expect anyone in that scenario to know how to handle the situation like we would. But there is something off. If it comes out that she really was trying to leave him, that is very troubling.

    • #4298
      Truth Be Told

      I just don’t understand how this was not investigated. All the details sound questionable. Whatever happened to her family? Her daughter? Could PJC have power in Texas to cover up an investigation and wipe clear all social media information pertaining to Leslie? You cannot hide from God PJC.

      The fact that they wiped the internet of Leslie looks terrible. It’s like what you see on 60 Minutes or SVU.

      I could see PJC covering up an investigation. Then send an email to the church. No one would be the wiser!

      Back when Leslie passed, the whole Cymbala family didn’t look sad and grieving they looked very nervous. I think they really messed up when they started bad mouthing Leslie to others. You just don’t do that.

      Do you know when you DO do that?You do that when you’re desperate to spin a narrative.

      We will find out what truly happened. #JusticeforLeslie

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